4,841 research outputs found

    A Method for Rapid Determination of the Icing Limit of a Body in Terms of the Stream Conditions

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    The effects of existing frictional heating were analyzed to determine the conditions under which ice formations on aircraft surfaces can be prevented. A method is presented for rapidly determining by means of charts the combination of-Mach number, altitude, and stream temperature which will maintain an ice-free surface in an icing cloud. The method can be applied to both subsonic and supersonic flow. The charts presented are for Mach numbers up to 1.8 and pressure altitudes from sea level to 45,000 feet

    A General Correlation of Temperature Profiles Downstream of a Heated-Air Jet Directed Perpendicularly to an Air Stream

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    An experimental investigation was conducted to determine the temperature profile downstream of a heated-air jet directed perpendicularly to an air stream. The profiles were determined at several positions downstream of the jet as functions of jet density, jet velocity, freestream density, free-stream velocity, jet temperature, and orifice flow coefficient. A method is presented which yields a good approximation of the temperature profile in terms of dimensionless parameters of the flow and geometric conditions

    Impacts of extreme winter warming events on litter decomposition in a sub-Arctic heathland

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    Arctic climate change is expected to lead to a greater frequency of extreme winter warming events. During these events, temperatures rapidly increase to well above 0 degrees C for a number of days, which can lead to snow melt at the landscape scale, loss of insulating snow cover and warming of soils. However, upon return of cold ambient temperatures, soils can freeze deeper and may experience more freeze-thaw cycles due to the absence of a buffering snow layer. Such loss of snow cover and changes in soil temperatures may be critical for litter decomposition since a stable soil microclimate during winter (facilitated by snow cover) allows activity of soil organisms. Indeed, a substantial part of fresh litter decomposition may occur in winter. However, the impacts of extreme winter warming events on soil processes such as decomposition have never before been investigated. With this study we quantify the impacts of winter warming events on fresh litter decomposition using field simulations and lab studies. Winter warming events were simulated in sub-Arctic heathland using infrared heating lamps and soil warming cables during March (typically the period of maximum snow depth) in three consecutive years of 2007, 2008, and 2009. During the winters of 2008 and 2009, simulations were also run in January (typically a period of shallow snow cover) on separate plots. The lab study included soil cores with and without fresh litter subjected to winter-warming simulations in climate chambers. Litter decomposition of common plant species was unaffected by winter warming events simulated either in the lab (litter of Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii), or field (litter of Vaccinium vitis-idaea, and B. pubescens ssp. czerepanovii) with the exception of Vaccinium myrtillus (a common deciduous dwarf shrub) that showed less mass loss in response to winter warming events. Soil CO2 efflux measured in the lab study was (as expected) highly responsive to winter warming events but surprisingly fresh litter decomposition was not. Most fresh litter mass loss in the lab occurred during the first 3-4 weeks (simulating the period after litter fall). In contrast to past understanding, this suggests that winter decomposition of fresh litter is almost nonexistent and observations of substantial mass loss across the cold season seen here and in other studies may result from leaching in autumn, prior to the onset of "true" winter. Further, our findings surprisingly suggest that extreme winter warming events do not affect fresh litter decomposition. Crown Copyright (c) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Regulatory Explosion: Observations on Understanding Utah Administrative Rules

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    Los servicios de banco de sangre siempre son una de las preocupaciones latentes en salud, sobretodo en nuestra realidad donde las personas no se convencen o no entienden de la verdadera importancia de tener bancos de sangre bien implementados y con la sangre suficiente para garantizar la vida. Las infecciones transmisibles por transfusión (agentes virales, bacterianos y parasitarios) constituyen una complicación de gran importancia en relación con la morbilidad y mortalidad de los receptores de sangre. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo determinar los factores de exclusión y reposición en postulantes a donantes del Servicio de Banco de Sangre del Hospital Alta Complejidad “Virgen de la Puerta”. Siendo un estudio de tipo descriptivo, retrospectivo, observacional, de corte transversal, de diseño no experimental. Se contó con una población de 2162 donantes, como instrumento se tuvo el formato de recolección de datos. Los resultados obtenidos determinan que los de donantes por reposición fueron los más excluidos con 82.23%, los factores de exclusión en los postulantes a donadores más frecuentes, tenemos el 29,75% fueron excluidos por presentar hematocrito bajo, el 27,07% presentó venas no aptas para flebotomías, el 9.3% presentó tatuajes, el 8.88% fue excluido por conducta sexual riesgosa, el 7,44% por sobrepeso entre otros de menor porcentajes en cuanto a los factores de exclusión según los tipos de donantes se mantuvieron casi los mismos porcentajes

    Multi-filter spectrophotometry simulations

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    To complement both the multi-filter observations of quasar environments described in these proceedings, as well as the proposed UBC 2.7 m Liquid Mirror Telescope (LMT) redshift survey, we have initiated a program of simulated multi-filter spectrophotometry. The goal of this work, still very much in progress, is a better quantitative assessment of the multiband technique as a viable mechanism for obtaining useful redshift and morphological class information from large scale multi-filter surveys

    Fast synchrotron X-ray tomographic quantification of dendrite evolution during the solidification of Mg-Sn alloys

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    The evolution of dendritic microstructures during the solidification of a Mg-15 wt%Sn alloy was investigated in situ via fast synchrotron X-ray microtomography. To enable these in situ observations a novel encapsulation method was developed and integrated into a fast, pink beam, imaging beamline at Diamond Light Source. The dendritic growth was quantified with time using: solid volume fraction, tip velocity, interface specific surface area, and surface curvature. The influence of cooling rate upon these quantities and primary phase nucleation was investigated. The primary dendrites grew with an 18-branch, 6-fold symmetry structure, accompanied by coarsening. The coarsening process was assessed by the specific surface area and was compared with the existing models. These results provide the first quantification of dendritic growth during the solidification of Mg alloys, confirming existing analytic models and providing experimental data to inform and validate more complex numeric models